Download my CV (version april 2024).


Doctoral degree

University: Leiden University
Date: 10/09/2015
Dissertation: Engaging scientists – Organising valorisation in the Netherlands
Supervisor: prof. dr. P.F. Wouters
Co-Supervisor: dr. I.C.M. van der Weijden

Master's degree

University: Utrecht University
Date: 21/10/2008
Main subject: Innovation Studies (specialisation in medical biotechnology)
Thesis: The changing relevance of biology: Case studies of Dutch academic toxicology and paleo-ecology 1975-2008
Supervisors: dr. L.K. Hessels and prof. dr. H. van Lente

Bachelor’s degree

University: Wageningen University
Date: 30/06/2005
Main subject: Biology (specialisation in cell biology)
Thesis: Perfluorocarbons as artificial oxygen-carriers
Supervisor: dr. ir. H.J.M. van de Heijning

Work experience

2022 – Current

Assistant professor
Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam

2016 – Current

‘Engaging Scientists’

2020 – 2022

Assistant professor
Department of Organization Studies, Tilburg University

2019 – 2o2o

Impact expert
Luris, Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center

2017 – 2o2o

Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University

2016 – 2017

Research Fellow
Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University

2016 – 2017

Grant adviser Social Sciences and Humanities
Luris, Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center

2015 – 2016

Knowledge broker Social Sciences and Humanities
Luris, Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center

2014 – 2015

External PhD student
Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University

2009 – 2015

Science System Assessment
Rathenau Instituut, The Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences


Journal articles
(downloads might require login)
  1. S.P.L. de Jong & W. Kantimm (adcance access). "Do professional staff in universities really challenge academic norms? A perspective from the Netherlands." In: Higher Education. (Open access)
  2. G. E. Derrick, J. Olmos-Penuela & S.P.L. de Jong (2023). "A tribute to our dearly departed colleague and friend: An introduction to the Special Issue in memory of Prof. Paul Benneworth." (introduction to a special issue). In: Research Evaluation.
  3. S.P.L. de Jong & C. del Junco (advance access). "How do professional staff influence academic knowledge development? A literature review and research agenda." In: Studies in Higher Education. (Open Access)
  4. C. Balaban & S.P.L. de Jong (2023). "Academic identity at the intersection of global scientific communities and national science policies: societal impact in the UK and Netherlands." In: Studies in Higher Education (advance access).
  5. S.P.L. de Jong & C. Balaban (2022). "How universities influence societal impact practices: Academics’ sense-making of organizational impact strategies." In: Science and Public Policy 49:4, pp. 609-620. (open access).
  6. S.P.L. de Jong, C. Balaban & M. Nedeva (2022). "From ‘productive interactions’ to ‘enabling conditions’: The role of organizations in generating societal impact" (introduction to special section). In: Science and Public Policy 49:4, pp. 643-645. (open access).
  7. M. J. Bernstein, M. Wullum Nielsen, E. Alnor, A. Brasil, A. Lykke Birkving, T.T. Chan; E. Griessler, S.P.L. de Jong, W. van de Klippe, I. Meijer, E. Yaghmaei, P. Busch Nicolaisen, M. Nieminen, P. Novitzky & N. Mejlgaard (2022). "The Societal Readiness Thinking Tool: A Practical Framework for Maturing the Societal Readiness of Research Projects". In: Science and Engineering Ethics 28:6, pp. 1-32. (open access).
  8. S.P.L. de Jong, C. Balaban, J. Holm & J.B. Spaapen (2020). 'Redesigning research evaluation practices for the Social Sciences and Humanities.' In: Deeds and Days no. 73, pp. 17-35. (open access).
  9. N. Boshoff and S.P.L. de Jong (2020). 'Conceptualising the societal impact of research in terms of elements of logic models: A survey of researchers in sub-Saharan Africa'. In: Research Evaluation 29, no. 1, pp 48-65.
  10. S.P.L. de Jong & R. Muhonen (2020). 'Who benefits from ex-ante societal impact evaluation in the European funding arena? A cross-country comparison of societal impact capacity in the social sciences and humanities'. In: Research Evaluation 29, no.1, pp 22-33.
  11. S.P.L. de Jong, E. Ketting & L van Drooge (2020). 'Highly Esteemed Science, An analysis of attitudes toward and perceived attributes of science in letters to the editor in two Dutch newspapers'. In: Public Understanding of Science 29, no. 1, pp 37-52. (open access).
  12. L.K. Hessels, S.P.L. de Jong & S. Brouwer (2018). 'Collaboration between heterogeneous practitioners in sustainability research: a comparative analysis of three transdisciplinary programmes'. In: Sustainability 10, no. 12, 4760. (Open access).
  13. S.P.L. de Jong, T. Wardenaar & E. Horlings (2016). ‘Exploring the promises of transdisciplinary research: a quantitative study of two climate research programmes’. In: Research Policy, 45, no.7, pp. 1397-1409.
  14. S.P.L. de Jong, J. Smit & L. van Drooge (2016). 'Scientists’ response to societal impact policies – a policy paradox?' In: Science and Public Policy 43, no. 1, pp. 102-114.
  15. T. Wardenaar, S.P.L de Jong & L.K. Hessels (2014). 'Varieties of research coordination: A comparative analysis of two strategic research consortia'. In: Science and Public Policy, 41, no. 6, pp. 780-792.
  16. S.P.L de Jong, K. Barker, D. Cox, T. Sveinsdottir & P. van den Besselaar (2014). 'Understanding societal impact through productive interactions: ICT research as a case'. In: Research Evaluation, 23, no. 2, pp. 89-102.
  17. S.P.L. de Jong, P. van Arensbergen, F. Daemen, Barend van der Meulen & Peter van den Besselaar (2011). ‘Evaluation of research in context: an approach and two cases’. In: Research Evaluation, 20, no.1, pp. 61-72.
  1. J.M. Kelder, S.P.L. de Jong & A. Mouret (eds.) (2017). Aspects of globalization: mobility, exchange and the development of multi-cultural states. Leiden: Leiden University.
  2. S.P.L. de Jong (2015). Engaging scientists: organising valorisation in the Netherlands. Den Haag: Rathenau Instituut.
Book chapters
  1. S.P.L. de Jong (2023). A novel definition of professional staff. in: Kerridge, S., S. Poli, S. and M. Yang-Yoshihara (eds.). The Emerald Handbook of Research Management and Administration around the World. Emerald Group Publishing: Bingley.
  2. S.P.L. de Jong & J.B. Spaapen (2023). Formative evaluation in the Netherlands: An opportunity for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. In: M. Ochsner & Z.H. Bulaitis (Eds.) Accountability in academic life: European perspectives on societal impact evaluation. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
  3. M. Ochsner, Z. H. Bulaitis, C. Balaban, E. Castro-Martínez, O. Daniel, A. Gedutis, E. Giménez-Toledo, M. Iseli, S.P.L. de Jong, L. Ma, J. Mañana-Rodríguez, R. Muhonen, J. Olmos-Peñuela, G. Peruginelli, E. Sigurðarson, K. Šima, J.B. Spaapen and M. Vanholsbeeck (2023). Manifesto for a better societal impact evaluation. In: M. Ochsner & Z.H. Bulaitis (Eds.) Accountability in academic life: European perspectives on societal impact evaluation. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
  4. A. K. Stage & S.P.L. de Jong (2023). ‘Non-academic staff’s part in transforming academia: As irrelevant as their label suggests?’ In: L. Leisyte, B.J. R. van der Meulen & J. Dee (eds). Research handbook on transformation in higher education. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham.
  5. S.P.L. de Jong (2022). A tribute to Puay Tang, Judit Bar-Ilan and Paul Benneworth. In: T.C.E. Engels & E. Kulzycki (Eds.) Handbook on Research Assessment in Social Sciences. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham
  6. L. van Drooge, S.P.L. de Jong & B. van der Meulen (2013). Evaluatie van gezamenlijke kennisproductie. In: W. Boon & E. Horlings (Eds.) Kennisproductie voor de grote maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Rathenau Instituut, The Hague
  7. L.K. Hessels, S.P.L. de Jong & H. Van Lente (2010). Multidisciplinary collaborations in toxicology and paleo‐ecology: Equal means to different ends. In: Penders, B., N. Vermeulen & J.N. Parker (Eds.), Collaboration in the new life sciences, 2010. Ashgate, London.
Policy reports
  1. L. Burghardt, N. Kerk, T. T. Chan & S.P.L. de Jong (2022). Rotterdam School of Management Impact discovery Phase 1 Report. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  2. C. Stolk & S.P.L. de Jong (2021). Onderzoek met impact: De waarde van Topsector-onderzoek voor de tuinbouw en de maatschappij.  Zoetermeer: Topsector Tuinbouw en Uitgangsmaterialen.
  3. S.P.L. de Jong, W. van der Klippe, T.T. Chan, A. Brasil and I. Meijer (2020). Stimulating Responsible Research and Innovation with the online Societal Readiness Thinking Tool  / Stimuleren van Responsible Research and Innovation met de online Societal Readiness Thinking Tool NewHorrizon Policy Brief 4. NewHorrizon, Vienna.
  4. S.P.L. de Jong and J. Spaapen (2018). ENRESSH Policy Brief Autumn 2018: Communication, evaluation and impact of the social sciences and humanities. ENRESSH, Poznań.
  5. L. van Drooge and S.P.L. de Jong (2015). E-Publicatie Valorisatie: Valorisatie: Onderzoekers doen al veel meer dan ze denken/E-publication Valorisation: Researchers do more than they realise. Rathenau Instituut, The Hague.
  6. L. van Drooge, S.P.L. de Jong, M. Faber and D. Westerheiden (2014). Twintig jaar onderzoeksevaluatie/Twenty years of research evaluation. Feiten en Cijfers 8. Rathenau Instituut, The Hague.
  7. S.P.L. de Jong, L. Hessels and B. van der Meulen (2011). Societal impact Analysis Next Generation Infrastructures. Rathenau Instituut, The Hague
  8. L. van Drooge, S.P.L. de Jong and J. de Jonge (2012). Focusgroepen SEP: verslag van twee bijeenkomsten op 26 september 2012. The Hague, Rathenau Institute
  9. B. van der Meulen, F. Daemen, L. van Drooge, S.P.L de Jong, J. Spaapen F. Wamelink and P. van den Besselaar (2010). Pilot study at faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. (External report, ERiC publicatie 1002). Den Haag: Rathenau Instituut.
Professional publications
(links might require login)
  1. S.P.L. de Jong (2017). ‘Valorisatie, wat is dat? En hoe doe je het?’ In: Zuyderland & Science 3, no. 2, p 7.
  2. L. van Drooge and S.P.L. de Jong (2015). ‘Hoe onderzoekers werkelijk valoriseren: Opmerkelijke inzichten uit de praktijk in Nederland’. In: Thema Hoger Onderwijs No. 3, p.54-58.
Opinion pieces and letters in national newspapers
  1. S.P.L. de Jong. 'Universiteiten hebben ondersteunend personeel hard nodig.' Trouw, 27 September, 2024.
  2. S.P.L. de Jong and C. Bos. 'Promovendi moeten valorisatie juist veel eerder inbouwen.' NRC Handelsblad, 29 November, 2014.
  3. T.Wardenaar, S.P.L. de Jong, E. Horlings. 'Aanpak maatschappelijke uitdagingen vergt meer dan alleen wetenschappelijke kennis'. Het Financieele Dagblad, 8 November 2013, p.10.
Blog posts
  1. L.K. Hessels, F. van Rijn, S.P.L. de Jong, W. Reijmerink, J. van Houwelingen, A. McIntosh, G.J. Ellen & G.Koers. 'How to make Theories of Change deliver societal impact.' London School of Economics Impact Blog, 9 October, 2023.
  2. S.P.L. de Jong, M.J. Bernstein & I. Meijer (2022) 'Simplifying Responsible Research and Innovation – A tool building in societal readiness into research.' London School of Economics Impact Blog, 23 May, 2022.
  3. S.P.L. de Jong & R. Muhonen (2019). 'Ahead of the game - How impact is an additional hurdle for scholars from widening countries to receive EU funding.'  London School of Economics Impact Blog, 18 February, 2019.
  4. S.P.L. de Jong & L. van Drooge (2015). ‘De onderzoeker als kennisnetwerker’. Academische Werkplaats Onderwijs Blog, December 2015. (Invited).
  5. S.P.L. de Jong (2015). 'Geen impact zonder valorisatie'. Contribution to Digitaal Universiteits Blad Blog, 6 October 2015
  6. S.P.L. de Jong, J. Smit and L. van Drooge (2014). 'Een retourtje toekomst: Terugblik op de ontwikkeling van valorisatie'. Contribution to Weblog Valorisatie, 19 June 2014
  7. S.P.L. de Jong, J. Smit and L. van Drooge (2014). 'Back from the future: a look at the rise of the third mission'. European Forum for Studies of Policy for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI) 2014 Conference Blog, 11 June 2014. (Invited).
  8. L. van Drooge and S.P.L. de Jong (2014). 'Het SEP als beloftevolle richtingaanwijzer'. Contribution to Rathenau Weblog, 28 March 2014.
  9. S.P.L. de Jong (2013). 'En tóch valoriseert zij'. Contribution to Rathenau Weblog, 15 August 2013
  10. T. Wardenaar and S.P.L. de Jong (2012). 'Promovendi – Kijk verder dan je proefschrift!' Contribution to Rathenau Weblog, 11 October 2012
  11. S.P.L. de Jong (2010). 'Waarom wordt een bal soms wél gevangen?' Contribution to Rathenau Weblog, 9 February 2010
  1. A. Kool, D. Slingerland, A. Waelput, R. Munshi, J. Hendriks, Y. Van Neste, E. Hajdu, L.S. Baldeh, T. Abi Aad and S.P.L. de Jong (2024). Impact Narrative Tool (NL/EN)
  2. Evaluating Societal Impact (2024). Journey of Progress – Theory of Change card game. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Physical object.
  3. C. del Junco, C. & S.P.L. de Jong (2022). Staff Titles and Roles (STAR) ClassificationAnn Arbor, MI: IRIS.
  4. L. van Drooge, S.P.L. de Jong (2014). 'PER-Base 1993-2013: Data Base on Peer Evaluation of Research in the Netherlands.' The Hague: DANS.
  5. S.P.L. de Jong, E. van Gameren and P. van den Besselaar (2011). Infographic Valorisatieketen. Flux 6: pp 4-5.

Grants, Scholarships & Awards

  1. 2023 Healthy Start - Healthy Start-ers Fund (funding to develop the Impact Narrative Tool).
  2. 2020 European Commission - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (3 year post-doctoral fellowship)
  3. 2019 Ministerio de Cienca e Innovación & Ministerio de Universidades (ES) - Juan de La Cierva Incorporación grant for 3 year post-doctoral fellowship (not accepted).
  4. 2019 Leiden University Fund /Mr. J.J. van Walsum Fonds (NL) - Grant for organising an academic workshop.
  5. 2019 COST-ENRESSH (European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities) (EU) – Short Term Scientific Mission Grant.
  6. 2019 Volkswagen Foundation (DE). Travel grant Herrenhausen Symposium 'Positioning the humanities in the 2020's.'
  7. 2019 Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI) (UK) – In kind grant for participation in Two-Day Structured Writing Retreat
  8. 2018 The University of Manchester (UK), Alliance Manchester Business School, Teaching Assistant Award.
  9. 2018 The University of Manchester Hallsworth Conference Fund (UK)- Early Career Travel Scholarship to attend the XVI International Triple Helix Conference 2018.
  10. 2017 COST-ENRESSH (European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities) (EU) – Short Term Scientific Mission Grant.
  11. 2017 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (NL) – Rubicon Grant for two year post-doctoral fellowship)


Lectures & courses
  1. 2024 Maatschappelijke impact: wat is en hoe doe je het? Guest lecture for Centre of Philantropic Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, October 3, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  2. 2024 Unlocking your impact potential, commissioned guest lecture and workshop for IHE Delft, June 20 and 28, Delft, the Netherlands.
  3. 2024 Knowledge, Impact and Ethics. Course module of online MSc. Programme Public Governance, Management and Policy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  4. 2023 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, May 30, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  5. 2023 Invisible forces: The contribution of professional staff to academic knowledge developmentinvited lecture during spring workshop on 'Science and Technology Studies at work: Perspectives on labor', April 24-26, Ravestein, the Netherlands.
  6. 2023 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, June 2, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  7. 2023 Academic Life, guest lecturer in extracurricular Master Honours Class, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University, April 18, Leiden.
  8. 2023 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, January 13, The Hague.
  9. 2022 Academic and professional skills, course module of the BSc programme Organization Studies, Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
  10. 2022 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, June 3, The Hague.
  11. 2022 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, January 7 (online).
  12. 2021 Societal impact of your research, commissioned course for PhD students of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, September 23 and October 20 (online).
  13. 2021 Societal impact of your research, commissioned course for PhD students of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, June 2 and June 24 (online).
  14. 2021 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, May 28 (online).
  15. 2021 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, commissioned course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, January 8 (online).
  16. 2020 Societal impact of your research. Commissioned workshop for doctoral students of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network IT-DED3, December 15 (online.)
  17. 2020 Societal impact of your research. Workshop for early career researchers
  18. commissioned by SpringerNature and the Association of Dutch Universities (VNSU), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, October 15 and 29 and November 19 (online.)
  19. 2020 Societal impact of your research. Workshop for early career researchers commissioned by SpringerNature and the Association of Dutch Universities (VNSU), Maastricht University, October 7 and 14 and November 4 (online.)
  20. 2020 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students, course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, May 29 (online).
  21. 2020 Grant Writing, two commissioned workshops for PhD students and post-docs during EUR Career Week, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 28 (online).
  22. 2020 Increasing the societal impact of your research, commissioned workshop for PhD students and post-docs, Antwerp University, January 23, Antwerp.
  23. 2020 A world of impact, commissioned guest lecture for PhD students and post-docs, Antwerp University, January 23, Antwerp.
  24. 2020 Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, January 10, The Hague.
  25. 2019 Impact workshop: Collecting building blocks for a strategy. Invited workshop for early career researchers during pre-conference of the Nordic STS Conference, June 12, Tampere, Finland.
  26. 2019 Focus groups: from design to analysiselective seminar during course module Research Methods of the MSc programme Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, The University of Manchester.
  27. 2018 Seminar leader Innovation and the Knowledge Economy, course module of the MSc programme Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, The University of Manchester.
  28. 2018 Online course ‘Impact and Valorisation for PhD-students’, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University. (Watch the introduction video)
  29. 2018 Guest lecture Societal Impact & Evaluation, course module Evaluative Cultures in Higher Education of the PhD programme in Educational Research - Higher Education, The university of Lancaster. Lancaster, January 11.
  30. 2017 Seminar leader Innovation and the Knowledge Economy, course module of the MSc programme Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, The University of Manchester.
  31. 2017 Valorisation and Impact of PhD projects, course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, March 3, The Hague.
  32. 2016 Guest lecture Valorisatie: Beleid en Praktijk, course Sustainability, Health and Medical Technology of the Bsc programme Science and Innovation Management, Utrecht University. October 24, Utrecht.
  33. 2016 Valorisation and Impact of PhD projects, course module of the Dual PhD programme, Dual PhD Centre, Leiden University, March 4, The Hague.
  34. 2014 Considering the Societal Impact of Research in Social Psychology. Course for graduate school Kurt Lewin Instituut. April 4 and 25, Amsterdam.
  35. 2014 Valorisation of PhD Research in Climate Sciences. Course for Knowledge for Climate and Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE), 6 February and 6 March, The Hague.
  36. 2012 Considering the Societal Impact of Research in Social Psychology. Course for graduate school Kurt Lewin Instituut. December 11, 2012, Amsterdam.
Mentoring & supervision
  1. 2022 - Current. Co-supervisor Rachita Munshi, MSc., doctoral student at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Erasmus Medical Centre, project title: 'The Societal Impact of Social Obstetrics.' Supervisors: prof. dr. E.A.P. Steegers and prof. dr. M.W. van Buuren.
  2. 2023 Thesis supervisor of eight Master students in Policy and Politics, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
  3. 2024 Thesis supervisor of five Bachelor students in Public Administration Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
  4. 2023 Thesis supervisor of eight Bachelor students in Public Administration Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
  5. 2023 Thesis supervisor of seven Master students in Policy and Politics, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
  6. 2022 First year paper supervisor of Wiebke Kantimm, research Master student in Social and Behavioral Sciences (track Organization Studies), Tilburg University, Tilburg.
  7. 2022 Thesis supervisor of eight Bachelor students in Organization Studies, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
  8. 2021 Thesis supervisor seven Bachelor students in Organization Studies, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
  9. 2021 Thesis supervisor seven Master students in Organization Studies, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
  10. 2018 Mentor Understanding and stimulating SSH impact and engagement with societyCOST-ENRESSH Training School, Zagreb.
  11. 2014 Internship supervisor Master student Jorrit Smit, Rathenau Instituut, The Hague.
  12. 2012 Internship supervisor Master student Elena Ketting, Rathenau Instituut, The Hague.

Academic activities



Visiting academic (3 months), Ingenio, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas/Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)

2020 – 2022

Visiting academic (21 months), Knowledge Lab, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (USA)

2017 – 2019

Visiting academic (2 years), Manchester Instutute of Innovation Research, The University of Manchester (UK)


Visiting academic (1 week),  Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology, University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)


Visiting academic (4 weeks), Research Centre for Knowledge, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Tampere (Finland)


2017 – current

COST-ENRESSH (European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities)

Conference participation
Panels & Workshops organised
  1. 2023 'Addressing blind spots in process-oriented studies of societal impact of research at higher education institutions'. Panel during Consortium of Higher Education Researchers 35th Annual Conference, August 30 - September 1, Vienna, Austria.
  2. 2023 'Demonstrating societal impact of the business schools' research'. Professional Development Workshop during the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, Boston, USA.
  3. 2023 'The added value of theories-of-change for designing, selecting and managing research for societal impact: an encounter between researchers and funding agencies'. Special session during Eu-SPRI 2023 'Research with Impact', June 14-16, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  4. 2022 'Young Scholars in Pursuit of Societal Impact'. Workshop during Eu-SPRI Early Career Event 'STI research for Policy', May 31, Doorn, the Netherlands.
  5. 2021 'Societal Readiness Level Thinking Tool.' Panel during Final Conference of NewHorrizon, May 28, online.
  6. 2020 'From Productive Interactions to Enabling Conditions: Conceptualizing the Role of Organisations  in Generating Impact.' Academic workshop, February 27, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  7. 2019 'Institutionele ondersteuning.'  Session during 'Vormgeving van Maatschappelijke Impact van Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen', December 11, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  8. 2016 'Policy influence: processes and pitfalls.' Workshop during Footprint of the Social Sciences and Humanities, December 13, Ghent, Belgium.
  9. 2016 'Knowledge transfer'  Session during Vormgeving van Maatschappelijke Impact van Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen, December 8, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  10. 2016 ‘Broader Impacts without Borders’ at National Alliance of Broader Impacts Summit, 20-22 April 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  1. 2024 'Recognizing and rewarding societal impact activities: perspectives of social scientists. Consortium of Higher Education Researchers 36th Annual Conference, September 4-6, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg.
  2. 2024 'Do professional staff in universities really challenge academic norms? A perspective from the Netherlands.International Research Society for Public Management Conference, April 16-18, Tampere, Finland.
  3. 2023 'We have brilliant researchers and I want to maximize the time that they’re spending on research.’ The contribution of professional staff on academic knowledge development', 39th European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, July 6-8, Cagliari, Italy.
  4. 2023 'Investigating and improving the use of societal impact assessment approaches', presentation during Eu-SPRI 2023 'Research with Impact' June 14-16, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  5. 2023 'Making Sense of Impact: how researchers’ sense-making informs an institutional impact strategy, presentation during Eu-SPRI 2023 'Research with Impact' June 14-16, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  6. 2023 'Broad global intentions, concrete regional interventions: Societal impact in strategic plans of Dutch research universities', presentation during The Impact Agenda: International Perspectives on the Non-Academic Impact of University Research workshop, April 13-14, London, United Kingdom.
  7. 2023 'Unlocking your impact potential', keynote during Sophia Research Day, April 13, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  8. 2022 'Revealing evaluative principles for assessing the societal quality of scientific research', Unsettling Research Quality - R-QUEST Workshop, September 21-22, Oslo, Norway.
  9. 2022 '"Oh my God! You are implementing more administrative hurdles to my research!"
    An enabling perspective on the influence of professional staff on academic knowledge development', interim conference of the European Sociological Association, Research Network 19: Sociology of Professions, August 30-31, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  10. 2022 'How do Professional Staff shape academic knowledge? A literature review and research agenda', 38th European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, July 7-9, Vienna, Austria,
  11. 2022 'Institutional logics and institutional work in hybrid organisations: The case of professional staff of universities', International Research Society for Public Management Conference, April 19-22 (online).
  12. 2021 ''Non-academics'' part in transforming academia', Research Handbook on Transformations of Higher Education Workshop, November 29-30 (online).
  13. 2021 Early career researchers and the creation of social impact, PhD-Training in and for Africa, workshop organised by the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology of Stellenbosch University and the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, September 20-34 (online).
  14. 2020 Online tools to bridge the gap between research policy and academic practice: Lessons learnt from testing the Societal Readiness Thinking Tool, EU-SPRI alternative track organised by Rathenau Instituut & Centre for Science and Technology Studies of Leiden University, June 5 (online).
  15. 2020 Highly Esteemed Science, An analysis of attitudes toward and perceived attributes of science in letters to the editor in two Dutch newspapers. ETMAAL van de Communicatiewetenschap, February 6-7, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  16. 2019 From interactions to conditions: Understanding impact at the university level. ECOOM Days 2019, November 28-29, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.
  17. 2019 From interactions to conditions: Toward evaluating university impact strategies RESSH Conference, September 19-20, Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y del Conocimiento, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Valencia, Spain.
  18. 2019 Escape the imitation game. Herrenhausen symposium: Positioning the humanities in the 2020s, September 10-12, Volkswagen Foundation, Hanover, Germany.
  19. 2019 How do universities affect academic impact practices?  Nordic STS Conference, June 13-14, Tampere, Finland.
  20. 2018 The formation of impact strategies by universities: the case of the Social Sciences and Humanities. 16th Triple Helix Conference, September 5-8, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  21. 2018 Universities' strategic response to the impact agenda: the case of the social sciences and humanities. Borders and Boundaries 2018: debating the limits and possibilities of education, July 3-4, Lancaster, United Kingdom.
  22. 2018 Who benefits from ex-ante impact evaluation in the European funding arena? A cross-country comparison of societal impact capacity in the social sciences and humanities. EU-SPRI Conference, June 6-8, Paris, France.
  23. 2018 Who benefits from ex-ante impact evaluation in the European funding arena? A cross-country comparison of societal impact capacity in the social sciences and humanities. COST-ENRESSH Training School, February 13-16, Zagreb, Croatia.
  24. 2016 MoRRI (Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation) framework: focus on public engagement and governance. The sociological gaze on science and society relations Workshop, June 20-21, Lisbon, Portugal.
  25. 2016 Legitimacy of Impacts: The case of the Dutch national research evaluation framework. The sociological gaze on science and society relations Workshop June 20-21, Lisbon, Portugal.
  26. 2014 Scientist’s response to valorisation policy: a policy paradox? CHER Conference, September 8-10 Rome, Italy.
  27. 2014 Institutionalization of the third mission: what is to be gained? EU‐SPRI Conference, June 18-20, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  28. 2013 Understanding the Effects of Researcher-Stakeholder Collaboration in Climate Science: What Makes Science-Society Interactions Productive? Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, September 17-19, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  29. 2013 Two decades of national research evaluation in The Netherlands: An analysis of the development of the system and its outcomes. EU‐SPRI Conference, April 10-12, Madrid, Spain.
  30. 2011 Societal impact of academic research through networks. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, September 15-17, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  31. 2011 Societal impact of enabling research fields ICT research: A Dutch and a UK case. PRIME‐ENID Conference, September 7-9, Rome, Italy.
  32. 2010 Demonstrating societal impact: an exploratory case in Dutch ICT research. EASST Conference, September 2-4, Trento, Italy
  33. 2010 Developing and testing indicators for societal impact of research: four case studies. PRIME‐ENID Conference, March 3-5, Paris, France.
  1. 2012 Evaluation of Research Impact: Options and Challenges, October 18, 2012. London.
Other academic activities
  1. 2024 'Shaping your Impact Contribution.' Keynote during Societal Impact of Scientific Research event of Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), October 17, Brussels, Belgium.
  2. 2024 'Invisible Forces: What/How do Professional Staff contribute to Academic Research?' Keynote presentation during fourth Research Support Conference of Leiden University, June 10, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  3. 2024 'Onzichtbare Krachten.' Lunch lecture for Dual PhD Centre of Leiden University, May 31, Leiden University, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  4. 2024 '20-20-20: The Evolution of Dutch Societal Impact Policies'. Presentation for The Impact Alliance, March 25, online.
  5. 2024 'Invisible Forces: What/How do Professional Staff contribute to Academic Research?'. Keynote presentation during Celebration Event of Erasmus Research Services of Erasmus University Rotterdam, March 4, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  6. 2023 'Onderzoek naar Impact van Onderzoek.' Invited presentation for the National Initiative for Educational Research (Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek), November 14 (online).
  7. 2023 'Thinking about Impact Strategies. Invited presentation for European Association of Research Managers & Administrators's thematic group on impact, September 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  8. 2023 'Theory of Change'. Invited presentation for Cultuur & Campus, June 29 (online).
  9. 2023 'Invisible forces: The contribution of professional staff to academic knowledge development.' Invited presentation during the 'STS at work: Perspectives on Labour' workshop of the Netherlands Graduate School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture, April 26, Ravenstein, the Netherlands.
  10. 2023 'Thinking about impact strategies.' Invited presentation as part of panel Embedding Impact at our Higher Education Institutions: Raising Awareness, Literacy and Readiness during ENLIGHT Impact Conference, March 30-31, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain.
  11. 2023 The European Commission funds its own impact, not your research. Invited workshop during 'The culture of impact in research institutions and universities', organised by Centres de Reserca de Catalunya (CERCA), March 6, Barcelona, Spain.
  12. 2022 ‘If I’m doing my job really well, no one ever really sees me’. An enabling perspective on the influence of professional staff on academic knowledge development'. Invited seminar for the The Danish Center for Studies in Research and Research Policy of the Department of Political Science of the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences of Aarhus University. November 29 (online).
  13. 2022 Het bereik van impactbeleid van universiteiten. Presentation for De Impactalliantie, November 24 (online).
  14. 2021 Positioning yourself in the societal impact agenda: Organizational and individual strategies. Invited presentation for ARMA NL. December 13 (online).
  15. 2021 Staff, classification, gender and authorship: Making the contribution of under-recognized scientific workers visible. Presentation (with Clara del Junco) during UMETRICS Lunch Series, April 19, online.
  16. 2020 Stille krachten: De bijdrage van OBP aan wetenschappelijke kennisontwikkeling. Presentation for the Department of Strategy and Academic Affairs of Leiden University, June 30, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  17. 2020 My experience as a Marie Curie Fellowship applicant. Invited presentation during a webinar for Marie Curie Fellowship applicants of Leiden University, June 25, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  18. 2019 Creëren van condities voor impact. Presentation for Impact Team of Tilburg University, November 12, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  19. 2019 Creëren van condities voor impact. Presentation for Leiden University, July 8, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  20. 2019 Analyzing university impact strategies: a model, a framework and a typology. Seminar for University of Oxford Department of Education, April 25, Oxford.
  21. 2018 University impact strategies: a model and four cases. Invited seminar for Department for Educational Research at Lancaster University, December 5, Lancaster.
  22. 2018 Evaluate societal impact as a processKeynote speech for European meeting of the Global Research Council, November 13, Vienna.
  23. 2018 Impact van de sociale en geesteswetenschappen: Gedrag van onderzoekers en universiteiten. Invited presentation for Dutch national network of university support staff in the social sciences and humanities, June 12, Utrecht.
  24. 2017 Supporting Valorization. Invited presentation for Joint Programme Initative Water, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, September 21, Paris.
  25. 2017 University of Tampere: Towards impact. Invited presentation for workgroup on impact, University of Tampere, August 15, Tampere.
  26. 2017 Valorisatie Keynote at the 8th Scientific Symposium of the Zuyderland Hospital, Zuyderland Hospital, June 29, Sittard.
  27. 2016 What is valorisation? Invited presentation during Science, Technology and Innovation EU-India cooperation days, September 21-22, Doña Paula, India.
  28. 2016 Impact Support. Keynote presentation at strategic conference of Hanze University of Applied Sciences, January 27-28, Groningen.
  29. 2015 Engaging Scientists. Invited presentation for research staff of the Faculty of Architecture of TU Eindhoven, November 26, Eindhoven.
  30. 2015 Betrokken wetenschappers Lunch lecture organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, October 29, The Hague.
  31. 2015 Engaged Scientists. Invited presentation for PhD students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, October 2015, Leiden University.
  32. 2014 Between print and practice: organising valorisation in the Netherlands. Invited seminar for Innovation Studies Utrecht University, November 6, Utrecht.
  33. 2014 Let’s talk about the third mission… Invited seminar for the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, 28 April, Manchester, UK.
  34. 2012 Wat is valorisatie? Keynote presentation 6th Muntendamsyposium, December 6, Amsterdam
Invited workshops 
  1. 2024 'How can the societal impact of the project be evaluated?' Workshop during Societal Impact of Scientific Research event of Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), October 17, Brussels, Belgium.
  2. 2024 Impactstrategie HuC. Commissioned workshop, Humanities Cluster of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, July 11, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  3. 2024 Societal Impact for Dekker-Laureates. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, April 23, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  4. 2024 Theory of Change. Invited workshop for Audit Office of the City of Rotterdam, March 19, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  5. 2024 Theory of Change. Invited workshop for MOOI 4 consortium. March 18, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  6. 2024 Developing theories of change as a fundament for selecting impact indicators. Invited workshop during Awareness raising campaign on knowledge valorisation. Tour of capitals: Working towards a learning system for valorisation and impact organized by Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. February 7, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  7. 2023 Theory of Change. Workshop for Cultuur & Campus. December 12, 2023, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  8. 2023 Impact through Networks. Commissioned workshop for Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency), December 7, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  9. 2023 Shaping your Impact. Workshop for junior researchers of Healthy Start, Convergence, December 1, Delft, The Netherlands.
  10. 2023 Maatschappelijke Impact voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, November 22, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  11. 2023 Your first societal target. Workshop during Impact Journey, Erasmus Research Services, Erasmus University Rotterdam, November 20, Rotterdam.
  12. 2023 Introduction to Theory of Change. Workshop during SOP-day of Expertise Network Higher Education (EHON), Rotterdam, November 3, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  13. 2023 Redefining Impact: From Journal Impact to Real Impact. Workshop during Academia in Motion festival of Leiden University, November 2, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  14. 2023 Societal Impact of your Research. Commissioned workshop for early career researchers of research consortium 'AquaConnect'. October 2, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  15. 2023 Theory of Change. Workshop for Cultuur & Campus. September 21, 2023, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  16. 2023 Theory of Change. Invited workshop for Convergence Flagship project 'PROTECt ME'. September 12, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  17. 2023 Theory of Change. Invited workshop for programme managers convenant 'Wij zijn samen Nieuw West'. June 20 and July 4, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  18. 2023 Societal Impact for Dekker Laureates. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, June 28, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  19. 2023 Focusing on societal impact. Commissioned workshop for junior researchers of the Netherlands-Organ-on-Chip-Initiative, Erasmus Medical Center, May 26, Rotterdam.
  20. 2023 Your first societal target. Workshop during Impact Journey, Erasmus Research Services, Erasmus University Rotterdam, April 24, Rotterdam.
  21. 2023 Maatschappelijke Impact voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, April 12, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  22. 2023 Maatschappelijke impact onder het vergrootglas. Invited workshop for Open University. April 4, online.
  23. 2023 Presenting impact in grant proposals: The case of Horizon Europe. Commissioned workshop for IrsiCaixa, March 23, online.
  24. 2023 Organizational Impact Strategies in the Spotlight. Invited workshop during 'Societal Impact of Science: Methods & Instruments for Assessment', organised by AESIS, March 8, London, the United Kingdom.
  25. 2022 Planning Impact: The case of Horizon Europe. Commissioned workshop for Centres de Research Catalunya, December 19 (online).
  26. 2022 Societal Impact of your Work. Commissioned workshop for Netherlands Centre for River Studies, December 8, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  27. 2022 Impact Narratives. Workshop Erasmus Initiative 'Vital Cities and Citizens', Erasmus University Rotterdam, December 6 and February 7 (2023), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  28. 2022 Maatschappelijke impact van (rivier)onderzoek. Commissioned workshop during Rivierendag 2022, November 24, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  29. 2022 Theory of Change. Commissioned workshop for Erasmus Initiative 'Smarter Choices for Better Health', Erasmus University Rotterdam, October 6 and November 11, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  30. 2022 Theory of Change. Commissioned workshop for Erasmus Initiative 'Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity', Erasmus University Rotterdam, October 4 and November 15, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  31. 2021 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, October 4, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  32. 2020 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, September 21, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  33. 2020 Realizing Antwerp University's impact strategy. Workshop for Department of Research and Innovation Affairs of Antwerp University. January 22, Antwerp, Belgium.
  34. 2019 SSHA impact strategies at the university level. Workshop during Knowledge Exchange in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, course by ASTP-Proton. December 10-11, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  35. 2019 Knowledge & Technology Transfer. A two-day workshop for directors of research centres of the Egyptian Academy of Sciences, commissioned by Knowledge-E and funded by the Egyptian Development Bank. October 22-23, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  36. 2019 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation, September 24, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  37. 2019 Impact Workshop: Bouwstenen voor een strategie Commissioned workshop for Alzheimer researchers during the Memorabel Mix & Match day, organised by Alzheimer Nederland & ZonMw, May 24, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  38. 2019 Knowledge Utilization. Commissioned workshop for early career researchers during the EUR Career Day, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 9, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  39. 2019 Grant Writing. Commissioned workshop for early career researchers during the EUR Career Day, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 9, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  40. 2018 SSHA impact strategies at the university level. Workshop during Knowledge Exchange in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, course by ASTP-Proton. December 11-12, Vienna, Austria.
  41. 2018 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation. November 12, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  42. 2018 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation. September 10, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  43. 2018 What is impact? How to develop a joint impact strategy? Workshop at the Tilburg University impact conference, June 14, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  44. 2018 Grant Writing. Commissioned workshop for early career researchers during the EUR Career Day, Erasmus University Rotterdam, April 19, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  45. 2018 Impact: Productontwikkeling. Commissioned workshop for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) at the Human Capital Day, March 26, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  46. 2017 Increasing the engagement of SSH academics. Workshop during Knowledge Exchange in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, course by ASTP-Proton. December 14-15, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  47. 2017 Ondersteunen van valorisatie in de sociale en geesteswetenschappen. Workshop at VSNU Impactfestival, November 23, Amersfoort.
  48. 2017 Knowledge Utilization Training. Workshop for Veni-applicants, Leiden University, November 20, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  49. 2017 Grant Writing. Commissioned workshop for Africa Studies Centre, Leiden University, November 13, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  50. 2017 Knowledge Utilization Training. Workshop for Vidi-applicants, Leiden University, September 12, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  51. 2017 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop the Dutch Heart foundation. September 11, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  52. 2017 Valorisation. Commissioned workshop for PhD-students of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht University, May 24, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  53. 2017 Exposing your research. Commissioned workshop during Skills Day 2017 for master students science communication Technical University Delft, February 17, Delft, The Netherlands.
  54. 2016 Stimulating enthusiasm – engaging academics. Workshop during Knowledge Exchange in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, course by ASTP-Proton. December 1-2, London, United Kingdom.
  55. 2016 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation. November 14, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  56. 2016 Towards a valorisation strategy. Masterclass during Science, Technology and Innovation EU-India cooperation days. September 21-22, Doña Paula, India.
  57. 2016 Online media voor en in onderzoek. Commissioned workshop for the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. August 30, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
  58. 2016 Valorisatie als brug tussen promotieonderzoek en arbeidsmarkt. Workshop during seminar ‘Arbeidsmarktsituatie van Gepromoveerden’ organised by Dutch Expertise Centre for PhD Education. June 16, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  59. 2016 Valorisation in Practice. Commissioned workshop for Erasmus University Rotterdam. June 10, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  60. 2016 Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit voor Dekker-Laureaten. Commissioned workshop, the Dutch Heart foundation. July 5, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  61. 2016 Knowledge Utilization. Workshop for researchers of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Leiden University. April 7, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  62. 2016 Maatschappelijke Impact. Workshop for Pre-University College students of Leiden University. March 7, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  63. 2016 Valorisation. Workshop Huygens ING (KNAW). February 2, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  64. 2015 Engaged Scientists. Workshop at National PhD day. November, 10 Delft, The Netherlands.
  65. 2014 Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid en valorisatie. Workshop about valorisation for research leaders Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam. November 20 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  66. 2013 Meerwaarde van Onderzoek. Workshop for ZON-MW project leaders. November 14 The Hague, The Netherlands.
  67. 2013 ACELG and Valorization. Workshop for the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance of the University of Amsterdam. June 14, Zandvoort, The Netherlands.
  68. 2011 Samenwerken met onderzoekers. Workshop for junior civil servants. March 24, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Organised workshops and events
  1. 2024 The contribution of research managers and administrators to scientific research. Workshop during 2nd ARMA-NL conference, October 3-4, Lunteren, the Netherlands.
  2. 2024 Strategies for Coordinating Stakeholder Contributions to Research. Fourth live meeting of De Impactalliantie (in collaboration with KWR Water Research Institute), June 27, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands.
  3. 2024 Presenteren van strategieën in zelfevaluaties. Two rounds of workshops during the Strategy Evaluation Protocol Working Conference organized by Universities of the Netherlands, June 3, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  4. 2024 Nurturing Societal Impact. Workshop for PhD students of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, March 7, Rotterdam.
  5. 2022 Evaluation and organization of impact in larger partnerships. 
  6. 2016 Knowledge Transfer. Workshop at congress ‘Optimalisering van Impact door Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen.’ December 8, Tilburg.
  7. 2016 Betrokken Wetenschappers. Panel discussion at '4e Vakconferentie Wetenschapscommunicatie' (4th professional conference on science communication). April 11, Utrecht.
  8. 2014 Do’s and Don’ts bij valorisatie. Workshop at congress ‘Duurzame valorisatie in de Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen, 19 November Rotterdam.
  9. 2012 Maatschappelijke kwaliteit en SEP. Workshop for authors using the Standard Evaluation Protocol to write a self-evaluation, December 17, Utrecht.
  10. 2012 Considering the Societal Impact of Research in Social Psychology. Course for graduate school Kurt Lewin Instituut. December 11, 2012, Amsterdam.
  11. 2012 Valorisatie in de sociale psychologie. ASPO Symposium, 5 October 2012 The Hague.
  12. 2010 Valorisatie als kennisproces. National workshop for researchers and policy makers on valorization. October 26, Utrecht.
Interviews and media coverage
  1. 2024 'Universiteiten hebben ondersteunend personeel hard nodig.' Op-ed in Trouw, September 26.
  2. 2024 'Universitaire managers zijn geen vijanden van academische waarden'. Item about scientific publication on, March 13.
  3. 2018 'An academic career with a social impact.'  Interview on the website of Tilburg University, n.d.
  4. 2017 'Yhteiskuntatieteilljä ei ymmärrä olevansa vaikuttaja.' Interview in the newspaper of  the University of Tampere, August 22.
  5. 2017 ‘Onderzoekers moeten hun onderzoek delen en de maatschappij erbij betrekken.’  Interview in the newspaper of the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, nr. 8, June 2017.
  6. 2015 'Valorisatie in de wetenschap is meer dan geld verdienen'. Interview in De Volkskrant, September 10.
  7. 2015 Live interview about my doctoral dissertation during science festival Naturalis After Dark, September 25, Leiden.
  8. 2015 'De geldwolven van de wetenschap doen gewoon hun werk'Quoted in Het Financieele Dagblad, March 22.
  9. 2014 'Promovendi moeten juist eerder valorisatie inbouwen.' Letter to the editor in NRC Handelsblad, November 29/30.
  10. 2013 'Aanpak maatschappelijke uitdagingen vergt meer dan alleen wetenschappelijke kennis'. Op-ed in Het Financieele Dagblad, 8 November.
Services to the community
  1. 2024 - current Jury member Impact Explorer, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZOnMW).
  2. 2024 - current Panel member Research Foundation Flanders (FWO); Strategic Basic Research program; panel (bio)medical and health sciences.
  3. 2015 - current Reviewer for Beleidsonderzoek Online, Evaluation and Programme Planning, Higher Education, London Review of Education, Minerva, Quantitative Studies of Science, Research Evaluation, Research Policy, Science and Public Policy, Science & Technology Studies, Scientometrics and Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap.
  4. 2021 Member of 'Hidden Role' panel - The Hidden REF.
  5. 2020 - 2022 Member of editorial board of Publications.
  6. 2020 Jury member, impact award 2020, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University.
  7. 2019 Advisory council national conference 'Vormgeving van Maatschappelijke Impact van Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen', organized by Leiden University & Science Works.
  8. 2019 - 2020 COST-ENRESSH Steering Committee Member, Workgroup 4 leader and Management Committee Substitute Member on behalf of United Kingdom.
  9. 2017 - 2020 Science Communication Manager COST-ENRESSH.
  10. 2018 Scientific committee member. 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 12-14 September, Leiden.
  11. 2014 External panel member. Knowledge utilization paragraph training Veni-applicants in economics, Utrecht University. November 6, Utrecht.
  12. 2011 Invited Expert. U-MAP NL Workshop 2: alternatieve/aanvullende indicatoren. Utrecht, January 20.